Jimmy Underwood, Founder
We believe it is...
"It's really amazing that more than 10,000 people--members of the public who want to get involved in science whether or not they work in a lab or have a PhD--have mailed their poop to our lab so that we can find out what makes a difference in somebody's microbiome.'
--Rob Knight, PhD |
Blog Post 1:
Clearly, simply talking about fecal virtues with a straight face is not enough. We must all continue to advance the limits of our understanding, whether "we" is leading microbiome scientist Dr. Rob Knight or high school student Jimmy Underwood. I contacted Dr. Knight's American Gut project last year to express my interest in all things "microbiome." They graciously gave me detailed advice, recommending that I read Ed Yong's bestseller I Contain Multitudes (amazing read) and that I further advance my knowledge in any manner possible. To this end, I spent Summer 2018 taking a course at Brown University called "Me, Myself, and My Microbiome" and was honored to participate in the Biological and Biomedical Science session of the Yale Young Global Scholars program. The Knight Lab additionally informed me of the integral role of computers in mapping the massive amounts of data involved in identifying all of the billions of microbe species living within us. For this reason, I took a computer programming elective in school this year. All this recent experience is what brings me to halfhuman.org. Dr. Knight's American Gut initiative, "one of the largest crowd-sourced, citizen science projects in the country," has agreed to assist our members in identifying our individual microbes. We've started a "BioMedical Club" at Jackson Preparatory School to educate ourselves and help advance the cause, and we welcome any other individuals who wish to participate. Having hopefully laid an adequate foundation, my own personal goal is to spend Summer 2019 in an established lab that is doing exciting research in this frontier of medicine and science. Jimmy October 3, 2018 |
Blog Post 1:
Membership in halfhuman.org affords the opportunity to identify the specific microorganisms inhabiting your own body. While our understanding of what this information means and how it can be used is in its infancy, it obviously provides a source of great personal information. How are we as individuals different, and why? Perhaps less obvious, however, is the "greater good." The members of halfhuman.org have the opportunity to contribute to the collective knowledge which may ultimately lead to amazing breakthroughs in the human condition. How cool (and rare) is that?! Additionally, in cooperation with GI Associates, the largest gastroenterology medical practice in Mississippi (and one of the largest in the South), halfhuman.org will help streamline, coordinate, and study the fecal transplant programs in local hospitals. The triumphant publication of the human genome sequence was subsequently deemed by some as incomplete until the interactions between humans and their resident microbes are understood. This process will occupy thousands of geneticists, microbiologists, physicians, mathematicians, computer programmers, and social scientists for the rest of this century, and halfhuman.org is finding its place among them. Our journey has begun. Join us! Jimmy October 13, 2018 |
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We welcome your comments or feedback regarding your personal microbiome testing results or our site!